Usted está en: Inicio / Revista Suma de Negocios / Suma de Negocios, Vol 3, Nº 3

Colombian equity return and narrow money supply: an asymmetric cointegration analysis

Chu V. Nguyen

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Asymmetries: a fuzzy topic in the process of integration

Jaime Alberto Rendón Acevedo

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The evolution of the offshore outsourcing industry Brazil versus other BRIC economies

Nir Kshetri

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Geopolitics and Eurasia

Raul Netzahualcoyotzi, Ph.D.
Aurora Furlong, Ph.D.

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Examples of socially responsible practices of multinational enterprises from developed and developing countries in Colombia

Yenni Viviana Duque Orozco
Diana Osorio Quintero
Marleny Cardona Acevedo

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The manager and the organizational complexity: an important factor in the process of internationalization

Ricardo Ernesto Buitrago Rubiano

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Publicado por Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz El día 09/13/2016 Enlace permanente Comentarios (0)